This is very puzzling especially considering the sources of this information. ProPublica is a non-profit organization but certainly not neutral and definitely aligned with the politics of the foundations and private equity firms that support them. Insight Crime is also a non profit organization that is funded heavily by the Open Society Foundations which I think has not been criticized enough as an open political arm of the CIA. DW is wholly funded by the German government and is bad as the BBC in printing bogus planted government stories. This is as if the DEA planted the story making it seem as if a retired agent had released the story. The questions are whether the United States, CIA and DEA were upset with the lack of cooperation from AMLO through his presidency and also are they fearful of the Morena party conducting negotiations with the cartels. It is bizarre.
This is why independent journalism is not only important but necessary to discover the real players in the machinations of governments and corporate power. That is precisely the reason Substack has been attacked since it's inception.
Thanks much for pointing out the importance of Substack, and yes we always have to ask about these agendas. I think it is certainly true that many in the DEA, CIA and other agencies don't like AMLO and that could be a motive in leaking this story. It could also be true that the accusations are true as well. One problem with going against corruption is that it is used against political enemies when everyone is guilty. Interesting thought though about the agency making it look like an ex agent. A lot to untangle. Best there Tom.
It hasn't come from officially from the DEA but has been given to these media outlets who didn't cite where it came from. My suspicion is retired agents or agent. Perhaps this coincided with their retirement. The DEA led the investigation but not charges so they would not have officially released it. There is also the theory, see above on the chat, this was released by active organization but as a leak. All best there Kevin and good to hear your voice here.
Ioan, bit tangential but did you ever write about or have thoughts on the alleged involvement of the CIA in Camarena's death? Came from a similar source with murky motivations.
Do you have any thoughts on the timing of this leak? They (DEA etc) have had the taped conversation and knowledge of the payments for at least a decade.
I would make a guess that retired agent may have leaked it. They could be now out the agency but want to make a mark while AMLO is still in office. Just a speculation though. Best.
Of course coming in an election year makes it explosive - but I think rather than moving the dial on the vote it will stain AMLO's legacy. Thanks again for your support and great to hear your voice here.
Thank you, I appreciate your evenhanded and informed assessment, as always. I must confess that it also occurred to me that it is an election year in the US as well, and we know that fentanyl and migration are red-hot issues. So if there were political motive behind leaking information for some political gain at this particular moment, that would be interesting to consider. As you said, it remains to be seen whether this news will have any impact on AMLO's successor or the Morena party itself.
Yes, it is certainly something to look out for; political spin masters certainly do exist, as do intelligence agencies influencing elections in foreign countries. Yet, there are also retired agents with a grudge who want to get the info out, and in this case it looks like that to me. But yeah, it's going to be interesting with this twin election year in Mexico and the U.S., and a bunch of other countries as well. All best Lisa.
Ioan- Listened to this one time with my full attention peaked. Very intricate web. A couple of questions:
1) Understand that AMLO may have not have had the $$ to finance the 2008 election so the thesis makes sense. Fund the campaign in exchange for favorable treatment later on.
2) Is El Barbie still being held by Mexican authorities? I had in my mind that he had been released to serve the rest of his time in the US. I may be wrong. Should all this be true and he's still Mexico, I wouldn't give his life span much more time.
Lastly, this seems like AMLO is being framed, but whom, I don't know, but certainly his detractors. Like you I don't think it will rub off on Shienbaum. She is far above the nitty-gritty, but may tarnish his role in MORENA party elder which I believe he seeks to play.
Thanks for listening and your support is well appreciated friend. In response to your points.
1) Yeah, cartels certainly get their money's worth supporting politicians. Spend some millions and get many more millions back.
2) Barbie is actually in US custody now, and I think with a fair amount of protection.
3) There are certainly people who want to get AMLO. I think the people who leaked him probably don't like him politically. But then the allegations could well be true as well.
All best friend and great to hear your voice here.
Thanks so much there Stephen. It's certainly a massive story, but in the crazy history of Mexico lets where it goes. (Apologies for being out of touch and I hope have something for you very very soon). All best friend.
Crazy story. I just spent more time that I would like to admit looking for La Barbies self financed bio pic on youtube I could have sworn it use to be on there. Watched it circa 2015ish.
Interesting to that La Barbie had gone “missing” last year in prison system with this new story. Also with end of Anabel Hernandez’s “Narcoland” with La Barbie and the same general mentioned in this story.
Hey there Howard. It is indeed a crazy and thorny development. You weren't tripping and a Barbie B-movie did indeed used to be on YouTube but I guess it must have come down. I only ever watched a few minutes of it. How was it? Best there friend and good to hear your voice here.
Oh no thank you for all the reporting always love to read / watch.
It was wild lol. Narco Mexican soap opera feature film financed by a narco.
Seems like without a doubt more to come from La Barbie. Which is interesting because those original Rolling Stone articles on him made it seem like it was all over for him given all of his info would have been too dated for usa three letter agencies. But only constant in life is change and im sure Rolling Stone only had so much info to go on.
Thanks for reading and the support friend. Yeah, there is def more to come on Barbie - and I have more on his crew myself I hope to get out soon. Best.
as Obrador says repeatedly, baseless accusations are great because, even if they're soon showed to be groundless and specious, they still sting; they're still useful when you want to discredit somebody
I really appreciate your support. However, I think this is such a big story in Mexico I cant just ignore it. I tried to be straight in the analysis about where this is coming from amd what it means. Thanks and all best there friend. Ioan
the pro publica article was written by a pulitizer prize winning investigative journalist, so it has a lot of credibility. He has a strong track record.
I think the motivation could be agents who don't like AMLO and want to get their discoveries out there and perhaps have ideas about book and TV deals going forward. Let's see though. All best there Daniel.
Yeah, I guess there is a rather long list of presidents with accusations of working with drug traffickers in Latin America. In this case, these are accusations that go back to 2006 and didn't lead to actual charges. Still, a crazy story here. Best there Jose Schmoo
Noreiga was on the CIA's payroll on and off since 1960. He was a player in CIA drug operations and military travesties in Central America including the El Salvadoran Civil War in the early 80's. CIA laundered it's black op funds through Panama banks especially their heroin dealing in Vietnam. Noreiga is a special case. He knew too much.
The "USA" "took out" Noriega and killed three thousands Panamanians in the process. Broke international law once again. Acted like the big mafia jefazo. So why not do the same in Mexico? Is that "joe's" question?
That's a good question. But "hands-off" is not what has been happening. There's been no "hands-off". On the contrary, "hands-on" the whole time.
We're talking USA. We run an empire. We decide who stays or goes in each country.
The U.S. is OK with AMLO. Mexico is our Number One trading partner. There is "gobernabilidad" says AMLO and Uncle Sam says OK fine.
But don't get in our way says AMLO. We're doing our thing. Rebuild the state's role in the economy. Tear down a lot of the graft and corruption at least at the Federal level. Rebuild the health system. Raise the minimum wage. Redistribute the wealth to the southeast. Benefit the mountain people. Constrain the DEA. Build up the Armed Forces' role in construction and administration big time. And so on.
I'm glad you've taken an interest in Mexico joe schmoo; regarding fentanyl, AMLO takes time to scold the U.S. "con todo respeto" for the social malaise that leads to the opioid deaths that have reached headline status over the last few years
I thank Grillo for telling readers to look at Benjamin T Smith's recent book on the U.S. drug war in Mexico starting a hundred years ago. Lots of great insights but no conclusive general information or analysis of who these groups are.
I assume Grillo has read in Spanish the torrent of books in Mexico about these crime groups--Anabel Hernandez, J. Jesus Lemus, Ricardo Ravelo, Francisco Cruz, and about ten other well-read authors now publishing right and left in Mexico on this subject--and the whole country is still in the dark.
This is very puzzling especially considering the sources of this information. ProPublica is a non-profit organization but certainly not neutral and definitely aligned with the politics of the foundations and private equity firms that support them. Insight Crime is also a non profit organization that is funded heavily by the Open Society Foundations which I think has not been criticized enough as an open political arm of the CIA. DW is wholly funded by the German government and is bad as the BBC in printing bogus planted government stories. This is as if the DEA planted the story making it seem as if a retired agent had released the story. The questions are whether the United States, CIA and DEA were upset with the lack of cooperation from AMLO through his presidency and also are they fearful of the Morena party conducting negotiations with the cartels. It is bizarre.
This is why independent journalism is not only important but necessary to discover the real players in the machinations of governments and corporate power. That is precisely the reason Substack has been attacked since it's inception.
Thanks much for pointing out the importance of Substack, and yes we always have to ask about these agendas. I think it is certainly true that many in the DEA, CIA and other agencies don't like AMLO and that could be a motive in leaking this story. It could also be true that the accusations are true as well. One problem with going against corruption is that it is used against political enemies when everyone is guilty. Interesting thought though about the agency making it look like an ex agent. A lot to untangle. Best there Tom.
The timing itself seems very suspicious. Have they said why this information was not released until now?
It hasn't come from officially from the DEA but has been given to these media outlets who didn't cite where it came from. My suspicion is retired agents or agent. Perhaps this coincided with their retirement. The DEA led the investigation but not charges so they would not have officially released it. There is also the theory, see above on the chat, this was released by active organization but as a leak. All best there Kevin and good to hear your voice here.
Ioan, bit tangential but did you ever write about or have thoughts on the alleged involvement of the CIA in Camarena's death? Came from a similar source with murky motivations.
since its inception
I am still using the apostrophe form of the possessive prevalent in the 17th century. This is my blow against modernity.
Do you have any thoughts on the timing of this leak? They (DEA etc) have had the taped conversation and knowledge of the payments for at least a decade.
I would make a guess that retired agent may have leaked it. They could be now out the agency but want to make a mark while AMLO is still in office. Just a speculation though. Best.
Of course coming in an election year makes it explosive - but I think rather than moving the dial on the vote it will stain AMLO's legacy. Thanks again for your support and great to hear your voice here.
Thank you, I appreciate your evenhanded and informed assessment, as always. I must confess that it also occurred to me that it is an election year in the US as well, and we know that fentanyl and migration are red-hot issues. So if there were political motive behind leaking information for some political gain at this particular moment, that would be interesting to consider. As you said, it remains to be seen whether this news will have any impact on AMLO's successor or the Morena party itself.
Yes, it is certainly something to look out for; political spin masters certainly do exist, as do intelligence agencies influencing elections in foreign countries. Yet, there are also retired agents with a grudge who want to get the info out, and in this case it looks like that to me. But yeah, it's going to be interesting with this twin election year in Mexico and the U.S., and a bunch of other countries as well. All best Lisa.
Ioan- Listened to this one time with my full attention peaked. Very intricate web. A couple of questions:
1) Understand that AMLO may have not have had the $$ to finance the 2008 election so the thesis makes sense. Fund the campaign in exchange for favorable treatment later on.
2) Is El Barbie still being held by Mexican authorities? I had in my mind that he had been released to serve the rest of his time in the US. I may be wrong. Should all this be true and he's still Mexico, I wouldn't give his life span much more time.
Lastly, this seems like AMLO is being framed, but whom, I don't know, but certainly his detractors. Like you I don't think it will rub off on Shienbaum. She is far above the nitty-gritty, but may tarnish his role in MORENA party elder which I believe he seeks to play.
Thanks for listening and your support is well appreciated friend. In response to your points.
1) Yeah, cartels certainly get their money's worth supporting politicians. Spend some millions and get many more millions back.
2) Barbie is actually in US custody now, and I think with a fair amount of protection.
3) There are certainly people who want to get AMLO. I think the people who leaked him probably don't like him politically. But then the allegations could well be true as well.
All best friend and great to hear your voice here.
Great Job Ioan! This is a big day for Mexico.
Thanks so much there Stephen. It's certainly a massive story, but in the crazy history of Mexico lets where it goes. (Apologies for being out of touch and I hope have something for you very very soon). All best friend.
Crazy story. I just spent more time that I would like to admit looking for La Barbies self financed bio pic on youtube I could have sworn it use to be on there. Watched it circa 2015ish.
Interesting to that La Barbie had gone “missing” last year in prison system with this new story. Also with end of Anabel Hernandez’s “Narcoland” with La Barbie and the same general mentioned in this story.
Hey there Howard. It is indeed a crazy and thorny development. You weren't tripping and a Barbie B-movie did indeed used to be on YouTube but I guess it must have come down. I only ever watched a few minutes of it. How was it? Best there friend and good to hear your voice here.
Oh no thank you for all the reporting always love to read / watch.
It was wild lol. Narco Mexican soap opera feature film financed by a narco.
Seems like without a doubt more to come from La Barbie. Which is interesting because those original Rolling Stone articles on him made it seem like it was all over for him given all of his info would have been too dated for usa three letter agencies. But only constant in life is change and im sure Rolling Stone only had so much info to go on.
Thanks again for the reporting big fan.
Thanks for reading and the support friend. Yeah, there is def more to come on Barbie - and I have more on his crew myself I hope to get out soon. Best.
as Obrador says repeatedly, baseless accusations are great because, even if they're soon showed to be groundless and specious, they still sting; they're still useful when you want to discredit somebody
Grillo I can't believe you are legitimizing this obvious DEA bull-shit.
I feel very disappointed. Especially as I just became a paid subscriber of your page.
Please wake up. Understand your role in national and international politics and U.S. foreign relations. WTF.
Do you not hear powerful U.S. senators calling for a military intervention in Mexico?
You must know far more about the Drug Enforcement Agency than I do. Do you find them at all credible, as news sources? Santa Madre.
Hi John,
I really appreciate your support. However, I think this is such a big story in Mexico I cant just ignore it. I tried to be straight in the analysis about where this is coming from amd what it means. Thanks and all best there friend. Ioan
the pro publica article was written by a pulitizer prize winning investigative journalist, so it has a lot of credibility. He has a strong track record.
Hard to figure the endgame. You’d have to hate Sonia lot to go through all this with only a chance of damaging a legacy. Who knows.
I think the motivation could be agents who don't like AMLO and want to get their discoveries out there and perhaps have ideas about book and TV deals going forward. Let's see though. All best there Daniel.
The USA took out Noreiga. Why so lenient on AMLO?
Yeah, I guess there is a rather long list of presidents with accusations of working with drug traffickers in Latin America. In this case, these are accusations that go back to 2006 and didn't lead to actual charges. Still, a crazy story here. Best there Jose Schmoo
Noreiga was on the CIA's payroll on and off since 1960. He was a player in CIA drug operations and military travesties in Central America including the El Salvadoran Civil War in the early 80's. CIA laundered it's black op funds through Panama banks especially their heroin dealing in Vietnam. Noreiga is a special case. He knew too much.
The "USA" "took out" Noriega and killed three thousands Panamanians in the process. Broke international law once again. Acted like the big mafia jefazo. So why not do the same in Mexico? Is that "joe's" question?
The USA also recently took out the president of Honduras.
So again, I ask, why such hands off for AMLO?,Juan%20Orlando%20Hern%C3%A1ndez%2C%20Former%20President%20of%20Honduras%2C%20Indicted%20on%20Drug,the%20United%20States%20from%20Honduras
That's a good question. But "hands-off" is not what has been happening. There's been no "hands-off". On the contrary, "hands-on" the whole time.
We're talking USA. We run an empire. We decide who stays or goes in each country.
The U.S. is OK with AMLO. Mexico is our Number One trading partner. There is "gobernabilidad" says AMLO and Uncle Sam says OK fine.
But don't get in our way says AMLO. We're doing our thing. Rebuild the state's role in the economy. Tear down a lot of the graft and corruption at least at the Federal level. Rebuild the health system. Raise the minimum wage. Redistribute the wealth to the southeast. Benefit the mountain people. Constrain the DEA. Build up the Armed Forces' role in construction and administration big time. And so on.
yeah right, And there is no fentanyl problem in Mexico -- oh wait, AMLO just changed his story and admitted that there is one haha
I'm glad you've taken an interest in Mexico joe schmoo; regarding fentanyl, AMLO takes time to scold the U.S. "con todo respeto" for the social malaise that leads to the opioid deaths that have reached headline status over the last few years
I thank Grillo for telling readers to look at Benjamin T Smith's recent book on the U.S. drug war in Mexico starting a hundred years ago. Lots of great insights but no conclusive general information or analysis of who these groups are.
I assume Grillo has read in Spanish the torrent of books in Mexico about these crime groups--Anabel Hernandez, J. Jesus Lemus, Ricardo Ravelo, Francisco Cruz, and about ten other well-read authors now publishing right and left in Mexico on this subject--and the whole country is still in the dark.
I think she does a good job describing people like you. haha.
you're changing the subject now. The USA has problems, but it's absurd to use that as justification for exploitation and murder for profit.