Oct 20, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

I hope you enjoyed your journey to the region. I consider myself spiritual, but I also know that some journeys are best left untraveled. My most recent “lesson” on this is taking too many legal gummies (I lost track of time, and not thinking they weren’t working, too too much) and having a bad experience.

I think the reminder that the CIA has a record that seems more misses then hits, & consistent questionable ethics. I always like to see Mexican towns flourish so that was a positive.

Thanks always for bringing us on your journeys Ioan.

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Thanks and best there and good to hear that you explore a spiritual side there. Yes, there is a lot out there and it's hard to know the best paths to explore. In terms of gummies though I think there are a lot of bad legal highs out there. Best friend.

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An article TODAY on the links between the CIA, Monarch mind control, organized crime, and the 2024 Mexican election: https://thecommonsenseshow.com/agenda-21-conspiracy-economics/globalist-candidate-mexicos-presidency-could-cement-control-continent

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I went out of my way to get a copy of "Poisoner In Chief" since I have studied Monarch programming for years and taught a groundbreaking series on MPD/DID in the Bible. My co-host, a survivor of such abuse, permanently integrated her more than 100 alters in the course of our recorded interviews. I found the book a wealth of information regarding names and dates as the CIA advanced toward its goal of total domination in the Mindwar. I also opine that the book was a masterpiece of DISinformation as the projects were a smashing series of successes in the twisted minds of the researchers. The drugs proved wildly effective at modifying behavior and engineering counterculture; "Manufacturing The Deadhead" is the searchable title of an essay describing this. "Poisoner In Chief" did detail government payments to key drug prospectors and the substances they brought back, in a figure putting the "smoking gun" in Langley's hand. It is what happened AFTER that which is concealed in the book. In truth, those original substances brought back from shamans were synthesized and mass-produced as the CIA enter the drug business to fund foreign wars while zombifying the youth of the developed world. Even more secret is that Langley's pioneers brought back the deviltry also from the shamans they encountered. Anton LaVey's satanic church and satanic bible were joined at the hip with the hippy movement (the Jesus people being an exceptional group of escapees from such). LaVey's protege, USAF Colonel Michael Aquino founded the still-extant church of set, appeared on Oprah Winfrey to give his defense during the "satanic panic", and was implicated in the McMartin preschool SRA case. He slipped out of all those accusations and worked on for decades IN US MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. Johnny Gosch, the famed paperboy kidnapped from my home state of Iowa in 1982, was turned over to Micheal Aquino for Monarch programming at Offutt Air Force Base, according to witnesses. My pastoral advice is to not discount the power of the demonic nor the pharmaceuticals that unlawfully give people access to the spirit world. The idea of a drug-addled, mind-controlled "Manchurian Candidate" did not die or end with the 1963 movie so named, nor with the Kennedy assassination of the same year. It is happening right now, today, in the presidential contests of both Mexico and the USA.

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Wow, a lot of great info and leads there to look into Pastor Sam. I'll check out that essay and it is uncanny how this influenced the counter-culture. On a slightly different angle what do you think of the spirituality of pyshadelics? Do you think they genuinely take you to a more spiritual realm or it's just in the mind? And if they do can it be used to develop spirituality in a positive way? Best there.

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I will answer directly, even though it will hurt people's feelings, starting with this: The root for our word pharmacy is the Greek pharmakeia (Strongs #5331). This word is often translated "witchcrafts" in English Bibles. #5332 is "pharmakeus", often translated "sorcerer"...or "POISONER". What I tell you is not a theoretical or armchair philosophy. I am a deliverance minister and have led a lot of people in breaking demonic connections, seeing them go on to live on a higher plane of freedom and productivity. I have been to national "gatherings" of the Rainbow Family Of Living Light where I learned more about evil, drugs, and the government-protected dealers that proffered them than I ever wanted to know. I've preached in jungles rife with venomous snakes and diabolical activity, been captured by communist Zapatistas that had murdered many preachers and were predecessors to present-day narcos that openly worship death. Demons are real, sentient "persons", although they are not human persons; they are invisible, and they are not corporeal. They easily attach to people who invite, or "give grounds" to them, and they are hard to dislodge once attached. The first way to invite them is to participate in occult rituals. Some easy "gateway" examples are playing ouija or going to a seance or fortune-teller. The narcos kidnap some teenagers, take them deep in el monte, and give one a gun with a single bullet. He is then ordered to kill the next kid in line. He either commits the murder, or becomes the next to be shot. Then their captor pulls out his navaja and cuts a small piece of warm flesh from the dead. Those who are still alive must take a bite and swallow it. At this point the youngsters are both murderers and cannibals...well on their way to being sicarios. Murder is a rite of passage in so many criminal groups for other reasons also, but please consider it is a powerful occult ritual and parh to demonization. Second, having sex with a demonized person opens a bond in the invisible, or soul realm, that demonic connections can flow across. For this reason, practitioners of black magic are often wildly promiscuous. I'm sure that if you asked the right questions, you would find this true of Sabina, despite her advanced age or appearance. Third, and most effective for an unwilling subject, is drug use, especially psychedelics. There is no "opening of the mind". Psychadelics cause a spiritual experience in an unlawful, occult manner. Peter describes a vision where he was "in ecstasy" in Acts 10:10 and 11:5 (ekstasis, #1611). This is a legitimate entry into the supernatural, invisible world by prophecy in the Holy Spirit of God. God can break into the mind of a weak or non-believer by his sovereignty, especially with dreams, but other access into the spirit world REQUIRES demonic assistance. Please consider that phamakeia IS sorcery, and that even weak hallucinagenics like THC are dangerous gateway facilitators that pull users into a whirlpool of deep accord with dangerous, EVIL spirits.

...but EVERYBODY is doing it...

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Thanks for the perspective Pastor Sam and sharing your thoughts and experience on this. All best there.

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I agree with Pastor Sam that there were results to the many CIA operations-Paperclip, Mockingbird, Chaos, MkUltra, etc...etc...that said I don’t agree with the blanket statement claim that Anton LeVay & his Satanic Church were “joined at the hip with the hippy movement” since that could mean one person stated to be “a Hippy” represents an entire population, which it doesn’t...

Nikolas Schreck, Zeena Schreck & I have interfaced for several years now on the topic of ‘the Satanic Panic’ which both were directly apart of. Zeena is Anton’s LeVay’s daughter.

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Thanks there. I need to look into that LeVay angle.

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Absolutely Agree with the assesment that the research untaken by these operators produced results.

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Thanks and that is a big insight.

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Thanks much there for the link and all best there Pastor Sam. Ill give it a look.

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CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties is a book that goes into it. The CIA preferred LSD because they can use it to hurt and control people. Mushroom wouldn't let them do that so they gave up. Mushrooms fought back.

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Thanks, a lot of people have been mentioning this book and it's def on the reading list. Yes, it's an interesting contrast between LSD and mushrooms and between natural drugs and synthetics more generally. Great o hear your voice here and all best there


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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

The CIA was always obsessed with creating the perfect Manchurian candidate and it's experimentation with drugs was always about control and whether it could produce human controlled weapons. But MK Ultra also created other programs involving drugs, bioweapons and drug research that the CIA still funds today with the Department of Defense especially through colleges.

Besides testing prisoners including Whitey Bulger with LSD, many other prisoners were tested with drugs that would pacify or alter their violent tendencies hopefully permanently. A large amount of shock therapy was tested on prisoners. The college UCLA in Los Angeles since the 1960's has had numerous research labs trying to see if violence could be eliminated in the brain either with Skinnerian behavioral modification, drugs or medical procedures including forms of lobotomies. Drug protocols were extensive in CIA interrogations in Vietnam violating military procedures. My father, working in mental health and social welfare rehabilitation was always advised by unknown individuals who did not work for the city or county on what would be the best and cheapest form of pacification of the mental patients.

Along with DARPA , the CIA has always been involved with bioweapon research even after the so-called ban of bioweapons in 1972 evaded by building labs around the world including China. MK Ultra expanded the CIA's interest in drugs to a more sophisticated weaponization of drugs and bacterial and virus research.

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"Ignoring that millions were programmed by MK-Ultra won't make the problem go away"

Tommy Robinson has been battling MK-Ultra assets for decades


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Thanks Diana, I'll check out this link. All best there.

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....Men behind the Sun.....

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Thanks there Tom, and that is some fascinating leads to follow up. Yes, great points about how you see a continuation of the program in these different spheres and good stuff to follow up on. That is very interesting to hear that about your father's work. All best there friend.

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Having interviewed Steven Kinzer upon the release of Poisoner in Chief, I take several of his claims with several grains of salt. My information/research doesn’t synch with several of his claims. Over the last 50 years, & especially since Sidneys death in 1999, the Gottlieb narrative has become sensationalized, heavily weighted by baseless, unverifiable assumption(s) and 2nd hand opinion from clueless people. Much of that opinion has been crafted by a narrative story line. An Agenda specific tale telling to make an interesting story more shocking, a pulp fiction...Kinzer’s book is highly assumptive & very specific to the atypical ‘CIA and everyone involved with them are evil’ narrative. That nothing Sidney was involved with was any good. Now I grok that there is evidence in support of negatively polarized claims in specific instances around the CIA & the contractors in their employ during the operational years of MKULTRA. To my knowledge no one has interviewed any of Sidneys closest friends in Virginia, those he lived with who started Scan Design, or spoken to those he worked with at the Leper Colony he & Margaret worked & lived in for two years. No one has interviewed one of his 4 children, other than maybe Eric Olson who I wrote recently to confirm. Tom O’Neill, author of the book CHAOS about Charles Manson spoke with Kinzer after I interviewed him and Tom stated he felt Steven was possibly a “CIA Limited Hangout author”, likely know what that alludes to.. then again same has been made about Tom.

Anyway, Sidney Gottlieb predates Kesey’s use of Electric Cool. The idea of dosing a vat of fruit flavored party drink for several people likely bled over from the Greeks use of Kykeon in Eleusis. Sidney and Ken were Acolytes of Kykeon. Sidney was very strategic, learned in his usage of LSD for tactical operations. He experimented using different “party drinks” or social beverages spiking them with different drugs for different purposes to both the willing & unwilling consumers. Kesey did THE EXACT SAME PRACTICE no more than five years later.....

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Thanks much there Bushy Haired and some fascinating thoughts there. I wonder if as Pastor Sam says Kinzer underplays actual achievements (or what the scientists believed were achievements) of Ultra - it actually has led to continuing mind control experiments. Also, that sounds some fascinating work you have done. Best there.

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You make me want to take drugs, become Indian Jones, and hunt the CIA. I'll pay tribute by crossposting on Monday.

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Ha ha. Yeah, Wasson's story certainly has a touch of Indiana Jones - or King Solomons Mines. Best there Mike. SSDG.

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The spirit world is not for the living.

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I must admit I find the spirit world both alluring and terrifying. But I am not sure what to think. Best there David.

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Trudeau & MK Ultra

By Cathy O'Brien


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Thanks, and I'll check out this link. Best.

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Yeah, I read some of that many moons ago when I was a teenager and people were passing it around. I should go back to it. I am not sure how much is literature rather than real anthropology but it is interesting. Best there friend.

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my introduction into all this, started with Carlos Castaneda (books... His Wiki page is interesting

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