Mar 26Liked by Ioan Grillo

"Most of you prefer to read in English but some prefer Spanish."

And some of us read in both, to help with Spanish learning. Gracias, amigo!

Algunos leemos en ambos idiomas, para ayudar con aprender el español. Thanks, mate!

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Mar 25Liked by Ioan Grillo

I’m looking forward to more great content and will certainly check out that documentary.

I’m glad to see your exposure growing. It’s well deserved. Thank you.

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Mar 27Liked by Ioan Grillo

Thanks for the shout out and I would encourage any reader of this Substack to subscribe if you have not. Ioan is providing you with a road map that you can expand on with your own research and past experiences. CrashOut is not a diatribe for any one position but provides you with investigative facts and suggests what opinions could be gathered from those facts. That has always been a key part of his investigative work throughout the years. If more people subscribed to CrashOut, that would enable Ioan to expand his research and possibly employ some researchers. Research is a grind and takes an incredible amount of time to do. For example, his map of cartels in Mexico could be expanded to a real map of international drug dealing. Visual representation of this sordid fact would blow people's minds especially since most people's geographical visualization has been destroyed by GPS devices. Ioan is providing you with the tools and suggestions to resolve your own questions and concerns. The internet is being censored all over the world. Use a search engine like Yandex.com and the work from CrashOut will expand your awareness of what is really out there.

We are now faced with two devastating pipelines of financial corruption, illegal drug dealing and so-called legal drug dealing from the pharmaceutical industry which has killed more people then illegal drug dealing. Political systems and governments have been absolutely taken over by this corruption. CrashOut is the best site to navigate through this shit storm and give you the possible best paths for bringing this corruption to the light of day.

Any reader of this Substack, I would encourage to post comments. I have not seen ridicule, smart-ass bravado, name calling and claims of superior knowledge on this comment section. Simple questions have even elevated this comment section to real explorations of facts and histories. You will find that any voice is welcomed in this comment section. A rarity for sure.

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