Jan 20, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

Commenting before I read whoever this killer was is a coward a pure vile coward.

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Indeed friend. A brutal and tragic mass murder.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

We are under a totalitarian existence and there is nothing we can do about it That should cause shudders throughout your mind and body. It does not due to a psychosis producing passiveness the trait of remaining inactive; a lack of initiative. The same situation that occured in the concentration camps. We collectively have withered away like a frog in warm water with the temperature slowly increasing till we are lost to the control of authority. What can we do about it? The answer is a difficult one but yet it is simple in form; stop doing what we have been doing. Throw away your past it is gone and never coming back. Empty the sickness in your cup and fill it with compassion and rage against the authorities that are manipulating us. To go down this road and be on the right side in history will be a sacrifice most people will not accept. Understand that you have been worked, trained, programmed, taught,coersed to comply with the majority. To break loose you will lose friends, family, and community. You have already lost your government. Your life has meaning....take control over it! And now here is "Tom with the weather" to tell you dark clouds are here and they are not going away.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

Such a sweet photo of the girl and her baby. Whatever the motives, this is overkill compared with most hits we read about. And unusual for CA, if not so unusual [here] in central México.

Maybe a crazy idea but I wonder if the teenager was targeted. I know of a teenage father attacked with a machete, after a girl with cartel connections got pregnant.

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Yes, it's tough to know at this stage but my guess would be money was involved. A real attrocity though so lets see. Best there Lee.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

These killers brought special law enforcement to investigate, I hear DEA, ATF, FBI are now helping out.

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Indeed. They are bringing in the fully array of feds, and rightly so in this case. Best there Alexander.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

If the perpetrators and their affiliates get away with this, they show others that this kind of violence can be feasible and expedient in the United States. That would be a very dangerous signal and I'm sure US law enforcement is doing anything in their power to make sure this won't be the case. I wish them the best of luck in finding the perpetrators of such despicable violence.

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Thankfully, they have made arrests in the case now. I might right a follow piece on this, gathering more information on this tragic case. Thanks much for reading and all best there Markus.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

Thanks Ioan, same to you! It would be very interesting to learn about the details of this atrocity and about the reasons behind the perpetrators' breaking of the code that prohibits the killing children. Thank you very much for your very insightful reporting!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

the problem is the people who but the drugs

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Indeed Mike. It's a painful truth that drug money funds such killers. A hard question though is what we do about it. Best there friend.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

Sorry to be ignorant here, having not paid attention much to drug trafficking recently but what is the main drug being pushed out of the cartels? I assume marijuana has died out for other harder drugs given our mosaic of legalization over the years.

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Hey Tomes, Thanks for the question and not ignorant at all. Cartels move any drug that sells but they have recently moved very heavily into synthetics because of the high profits - loads of crystal meth and loads of fentanyl. They still move a lot of cocaine and some heroin into the US as well. And you are right that the trafficking of marijuana has gone down massively, but they are still involved in that game a bit. Best there friend and keep in touch.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

Thanks Ioan, very informative. I look forward to more of your pieces to understand the developments across the border and how the various governments will attempt handle it.

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Cheers Tomes. Yes, big times ahead. Best there.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

The killers will be caught.

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Let's indeed hope so. It would be tough to get away with this one.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

This was such a huge divergence from previous cartel influenced killings. Do you think this was a "rogue" op that went too far? If so did the cartel already "disappear" the perpetrators? Seems like they would have a vested interest in these characters never being identified.

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Interesting thoughts there. It might well have been rogue elements - either of the gangs or the cartels, and there might well be internal punishment. It will be a big blow to U.S. law enforcement if they don't catch these killers. Best there and keep in touch.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Ioan Grillo

Looks like I was wrong 🤔

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