How many AT-4’s did Biden leave to the Taliban ?

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Yes, good point Vlad. Certainly a lot of U.S. hardware went straight to the Taliban and some could be on the black market - although they should be able find the anti tank gear closer to home. All best there friend.

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The yellow band indicates it is loaded with a Live AT projectile. I live in this area too... It is sick to think if some trash Ukrainian didnt sell these animals the weapons they use to murder children and women without any feeling, You now make the case that someone in our Military sold them weapons they have had for years my man..

I would rather want to think Ukrainian trash who HAVE SOLD NUCLEAR WARHEADS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDERS AFTER THE FALL OF THE CCP, also took a few crates and traded them for cash or human slaves they trade in or drugs...

But you sell the theory that our military are criminals and the commander of that military should be held accountable.... You speculate this 3 days after this video as well. I have crossed at Laredo to see Zetas holding entire cities with US military weapons 10 years ago. I wont even cross at Brownsville anymore. Too dangerous... but hey, whatever you think big guy.

An investigation into our inventory of anti tank weapons needs to happen immediately to prove your theory. Your theory is infuriating to me knowing and seeing the mass graves these evil people buried women and children in. Chop off fingers until your mom sends them their life savings... Horrible crimes we turn blind eyes to and I feel you marginalize in this op-ed to deflect Ukrainian 4th Reich criminals.... AT4's is only produced by Nato in the US and Canada. This appears to be a LAW or AT to me...

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The article states that Mexican Cartels have gotten weapons from other Latin American countries before, and that Latin American countries operate the AT-4 rocket.

So the likelihood that they've come from Latin America is much higher than the likelihood that they've come from Ukraine, you Soviet Dick-Riding Fuck.

How do Putins balls taste today, Rock?

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I’m surprised that any reputable journalism outlet would take a tweet from the Russian Embassy as fact. Especially concerning Ukriane, in which it has a vested interest. Great work as always.

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Indeed Bobby. I guess they don't need reputable journalism though to fight their narrative warfare. But then again, I guess all sides are doing that. What can we do except try and fight our own good fight. All best there friend.

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Small typo : a righting wing outlet

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Correcting now. Thanks and best.

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As a US Army veteran, my first thought was “yellow band is training device”

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Thanks much Cole, good to know. And good to have veterans here reading. Please in keep touch there.

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I'd love to contact Ryan Mcbeth or maybe you can list his credentials here Don Ioan.

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Thanks for the comments Rock. This is Ryan McBeth's details. https://www.ryanmcbeth.com/

I included Ryan's comment because it an important part of the debate like this. There is also info here that talks about yellow bands in AT4s. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/at4.htm

However, I did not lead with it and also handled that idea with caution. It could mean, as I said, that they are training with AT4s. It could also have been customized. Still, they could show off a training weapon for effect in a video. Either way, we do know, as I say in the story that the cartels have this grade of weapon. There also is no proof they come from Ukraine. All best there friend.

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This is directly from the US military operator manual concerning your misinformation on the yellow band

"Yellow markings denote the bomb is a high explosive hazard, or live or loaded"

Alll live explosives have a yellow marking in some area to indicate caution handling and storing due to the presence of explosive hazard

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You're wrong, that color coding applies to aerial munitions.

According to FM 3-23.25 Shoulder Launched Munitions "...A Gold or Yellow band indicates a Field Handling Trainer (FHT)..."

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Thanks for this info...

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Just to think these guys would walk the street with 20 pounds of useless training tube to intimidate the people who fear them already is quite funny carnalito

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I appreciate your work

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Thanks much. I appreciate you reading and keep in touch there David.

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