Thank you, I enjoy reading you very much.

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Appreciated friend and back at yer.

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sup mr grillo, substack is pretty cool

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Thanks much and best there friend. Hope all is well.

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Thanks for this article showing the many layers of a failing system. The US needs labor but has an ever changing policy that makes the only constant it’s inefficiency. Mexico has has a System where the Governemnt responds to the actions of the cartels. Money is being made, and the only thing the vulnerable can do is pay more to suffer less, as they try and escape additional suffering.

The Tijuana Bar you describe sounds like it’s on the edge of the Zona Norte, where you can see the American flag flying over the other side of the Tijuana River, hauntingly. Keep up the meaningful work of giving those poor, decent folks that just want a better life, a voice to be heard.

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Hey there Bobby. Great insights as always. Yes, the U.S. it seems has made a pact with a kind of broken immigration system, where it ends up employing millions of undocumented workers and then that feeds a huge criminal human smuggling industry. The people are hardworking and looking for a better life, and end up doing it in dangerous conditions. I am not sure, though, what exactly the fix is. Yes, that was the Zona Norte. I have more stories coming from there, including on the fentanyl being sold. Thanks much for all your support friend.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Ioan Grillo

Looking forward to the Zona stories! About 8 years ago, I was very close to a Surrenos Shot Caller there. It’s a brutal place with $5 meth being sold in the bodegas. Be well

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That sounds fascinating. And indeed, I found them as 50 peso hits for pills or meth. Back soon.

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